Logistic Regression: Predicting the Outcome of an Event

Logistic regression is a statistical model used to predict the probability of an event based on a set of independent variables. It’s particularly useful when you want to classify an event as belonging or not to a specific category (for example, whether a customer will buy a product or not, or whether a patient will develop a disease or not).

It is a Supervised Machine Learning algorithm that can be used to model the probability of a specific class or event. It is used when the data is linearly separable – that is, if there exists a line or plane that can be used to uniquely separate the data into different classes – and the outcome is binary or dichotomous. This means that logistic regression is typically used for binary classification problems (Yes/No, Correct/Incorrect, True/False, etc.),

In this post, I will demonstrate how to perform binomial logistic regression to create a classification model, in order to predict binary responses on a given set of predictors.

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