The Hypergeometric Distribution

We have seen that the binomial distribution is based on the hypothesis of an infinite population N, a condition that can be practically realized by sampling from a finite population with replacement.

If this does not occur, meaning if we are sampling from a population without replacement, we must use the hypergeometric distribution. (In reality, if N is large, the hypergeometric probability density function tends towards the binomial).

The hypergeometric distribution is used to calculate the probability of obtaining a certain number of successes in a series of binary trials (yes or no), which are dependent and have a variable probability of success.

The hypergeometric distribution allows us to answer questions like:

If I take a sample of size N, in which M elements meet certain requirements, what is the probability of drawing x elements that meet those requirements?

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The Negative Binomial Distribution (or Pascal Distribution)

The negative binomial distribution describes the number of trials needed to achieve a certain number of successes in a series of independent trials. For example, it could be used to calculate the probability of getting three heads when flipping a coin 5 times, assuming the coin is balanced and therefore the probability of getting heads on each flip is 50%.

The negative binomial distribution is useful in many fields, including statistics, economics, biology, and physics. And also in “our” SEO.

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